Thigh Lift

If excess skin and chafing on your thighs are preventing you from living life to its fullest, Bellevue cosmetic surgery expert Dr. Alex Sobel can help! Thigh lift surgery is a cosmetic solution for reshaping and defining the upper legs, with several techniques that Dr. Sobel can personalize to achieve results that alleviate irritation and help you feel confident in how your legs look.

Dr. Alexander Sobel Seattle Cosmetic Surgeon
  • Triple board-certified in general cosmetic surgery, facial cosmetic surgery, and otolaryngology
  • 15+ years of experience specializing in cosmetic surgery
  • Operates in an on-site accredited surgical suite for patient safety and privacy 
  • National leader in cosmetic surgery, including as Past President of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, and as an expert speaker at medical conferences
  • Former Seattle Met Top Doctor with hundreds of 5-star patient reviews
Portrait of Seattle Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Alexander Sobel smiling

What is thigh lift surgery?

Thigh lift surgery, also known as thighplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to sculpt the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat and reshaping the remaining tissue to create smoother skin and more proportionate contours. This is a common surgery for people who have experienced significant weight loss and may be bothered by loose skin or asymmetric contours left behind after slimming down. A thigh lift reveals the true size of the upper legs and may even make your weight loss journey feel more complete.

Types of thigh lift procedures

Dr. Sobel offers a range of thigh lift techniques to personalize your surgery according to your anatomy and goals:

Mini thigh lift

If you have only minimal excess skin, Dr. Sobel may recommend a mini thigh lift. This is a less invasive option that targets the upper third of the thigh

Medial thigh lift (Inner thigh lift)

A medial thigh lift addresses skin laxity in the inner thighs, either the upper part or sometimes the full length of the inner thigh, depending on your needs.

Lateral thigh lift (Outer thigh lift)

A lateral thigh lift is also known as an outer thigh lift and is used to lift and tighten skin on the front and outside of the thigh. If you have excess skin along the entire thigh, this will generally be the ideal technique for the best outcomes. A lateral thigh lift can sometimes be accomplished with certain tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) techniques, especially High-Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty, or body lift (belt lipectomy).

Spiral Thigh Lift

A spiral thigh lift, also known as a “total thigh lift” or a “360° thigh lift,” is a more comprehensive thighplasty technique that reshapes and tightens the entire thigh, targeting the front, back, and sides, as well as the full length of the thigh. 

A spiral thigh lift can also reshape the contours of the buttocks by addressing excess skin or sagging. Additionally, when combined with fat grafting to the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift) or buttock implants, it can enhance volume.

Posterior thigh lift

A posterior thigh lift primarily addresses the back of the thigh and may also help with certain irregularities of the lower buttocks.

Benefits of thigh lift surgery

A thigh lift can be one of the more transformative cosmetic surgery procedures, both in the appearance of the thighs and the intrinsic value it offers. Patients often report a significant boost in their self-esteem and have a more positive body image after thigh lift surgery. The procedure has the practical advantage of reducing skin irritation and chafing for more comfortable movement during everyday activities and exercise. And most notably for a majority of patients, the joy of slipping into clothing that fits seamlessly is a testament to the life-enhancing impact of this procedure.

Ideal candidates for thigh lift surgery

Ideal candidates for thigh lift surgery are those at a stable weight they are happy with, do not smoke, and have realistic expectations about the surgery’s outcomes. This procedure is ideal for those who find toning the thigh area challenging even with a healthy diet and exercise. 

You do not need to be at your goal weight to be a good candidate for a thigh lift—many patients find that reaching their desired weight was achievable after their thigh lift surgery. That said, considerable weight fluctuations after cosmetic surgery can weaken your initial results. If you plan on losing weight after your procedure, let Dr. Sobel know so he can take future weight loss into consideration when creating your surgery plan.

Your consultation with Dr. Sobel

Dr. Sobel’s thigh lift consultations are thorough to ensure he understands your concerns and can help you feel empowered by the options that are safe and suitable for you. During this meeting, he will evaluate your thigh anatomy and discuss what you have in mind for their new appearance. Dr. Sobel will recommend the right approach to safely achieve your goals and explain the procedure in detail.

“I am very happy with my cosmetic surgery. It has given me a new beginning in my life. It has increased my confidence. Dr. Sobel and his team are amazing. Thank you so much for your skill & talent, Dr. Sobel!”

—Google review

Preparing for your thigh lift

Preparation is key to a successful thigh lift surgery. Dr. Sobel provides personalized guidance for each patient, however, there are general guidelines that apply to all surgery patients: Before undergoing surgery, it’s crucial to follow guidelines for your safety, optimal outcomes, and a smooth recovery process. These guidelines serve as a foundation for preparing both physically and mentally for surgery:

  • Inform Dr. Sobel about all medications, vitamins, and supplements you’re taking. Some of these might need to be adjusted or stopped temporarily before surgery to reduce the risk of complications.
  • If you smoke, stop at least 4-6 weeks before and after surgery. Smoking significantly impairs the healing process and increases the risk of complications.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements to prevent increased bleeding.
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet and stay hydrated leading up to your surgery to speed healing. 
  • Plan for someone to drive you to and from the surgery and to stay with you for 1-7 days post-operation.
  • Prepare your home for your return by setting up a comfortable recovery area, with easy-to-prepare foods and other essential recovery items within easy reach
  • Follow your pre-operative instructions, which will be specific to you and may include fasting (not eating or drinking) for a certain period before surgery.
  • Prepare for your recovery by reviewing post-operative care instructions ahead of time, including wound care, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments.

Dr. Sobel and our outstanding medical staff are available at any point in your surgery journey to help you feel confident and well-prepared.

Your Seattle thigh lift procedure

Dr. Sobel performs thigh lift surgery under general anesthesia for your safety and comfort. Each thigh lift technique varies in incision placement, but in general, Dr. Sobel makes incisions in natural creases and shadows to make thigh lift scars as discreet as possible. Through these incisions, Dr. Sobel removes precise amounts of skin and fat and to reshape and define the upper thighs. Liposuction may also be used to refine the contours with fat reduction. The final contour of the thigh is personalized to achieve either a sculpted and masculine look, soft feminine curves, or something in between—you can decide what suits you best during your consultation.

Recovery and aftercare

Dr. Sobel and his staff provide comprehensive care instructions based on your procedure plan, including how to wear your compression garments, activity restrictions, and what to expect to see and feel as your body heals. 

Contrary to popular belief, walking is critical to a smooth recovery and optimal results after thigh lift procedures, as it is after all cosmetic surgery. Patients are asked to walk for 30 minutes, three times daily starting the day after the procedure. Most patients return to work between 10-14 days. By 6 weeks post-op, you’ll be well on your way to full recovery and feel more like you! 

You’ll attend follow-up appointments with Dr. Sobel throughout your recovery so we can monitor your progress, answer your questions, and confirm you are healing as expected.

  • Improved contours and shape of the thighs
  • Less skin irritation and chafing
  • Enhanced self-esteem and body image

Blood clots: Clumps that can form in your blood after surgery. Ambulate (move around) gently but regularly after surgery to help prevent this complication.

Compression garments: Special tight-fitting clothes you wear after thigh lift surgery to help reduce swelling, support your healing legs, and shape your thighs.

Complications: Unexpected problems or negative effects that can happen during or after thigh lift surgery, like infection or healing issues.

Cosmetic surgery: Surgeries done to make your body look better, including thigh lifts to improve the shape of your legs.

Corrective surgery: Surgery performed to improve the results from a previous surgery.

Coolsculpting: A non-surgical treatment to reduce fat by freezing fat cells, often seen as an alternative to surgeries like liposuction.

General anesthesia: Medicine given to make you sleep deeply so that you do not feel pain during surgery.

Groin area: The area near your upper thigh, where incisions might be made during some thigh lift surgeries to hide scars.

Healing process: How your body repairs itself after surgery, including mending damaged tissues and reducing swelling and bruising.

Incision sites: Where the surgeon places incisions in the skin during a thigh lift, chosen carefully to keep scars as hidden as possible.

Liposuction: A surgical procedure that suctions away fat from your body, often performed together with a thigh lift to achieve a more contoured look.

Major surgery: Operations requiring general anesthesia that change your body significantly, like thigh lifts.

Plastic surgeon: A doctor who specializes in plastic surgery procedures including thigh lift surgery, similar to a cosmetic surgeon. 

Posterior lift: A surgery that lifts and tightens the skin around your bottom and thighs, sometimes performed at the same time as a thigh lift.

Skin elasticity: How “stretchy” your skin is, which affects how well it will snap back into place after surgeries like liposuction or thigh lifts.

Strenuous activities: Hard physical work, heavy lifting, or exercise, which should be avoided for several weeks while you’re healing from a thigh lift.

Swelling: When parts of your body get bigger because of fluid buildup, an expected reaction after surgeries like thigh lifts.

Thigh lift procedure: An operation in which a surgeon removes extra skin and fat from your thighs to improve their appearance and make physical activity more comfortable. 

Thighplasty: The medical term for thigh lift surgery. 

Tummy tuck: A cosmetic surgery procedure that removes extra skin and fat from your stomach area, sometimes talked about with thigh lifts for improving your body’s overall shape.

Thigh Lift FAQs

Thigh lift surgery typically takes 2 to 3 hours. Dr. Sobel provides surgery time estimates once your procedure plan is finalized.

The cost of a thigh lift ranges from $10,000 – $12,000. After your consultation, Dr. Sobel’s team provides a price estimate for your customized procedure. 

Possible risks of a thigh lift include bleeding, infection, scarring, asymmetry, and changes in skin sensation. Dr. Sobel is highly experienced in body contouring procedures to limit potential side effects as much as possible. He operates out of a private, accredited surgical suite located at our ​​Bellevue office.

Yes, you’ll need a helping hand for up to 10 days after thigh lift surgery to allow your body to focus on recovery. If you have small children at home, you will likely need to plan for childcare so you do not overexert yourself in the early healing phase. 

You’ll notice immediate improvements in the size and shape of your thighs, and the majority of post-surgical swelling resolves within about 3 months. You will likely see changes and improvements continue for up to 18 months, though most patients’ final results are visible after 6-12 months.

As expected with any surgery, you will likely experience some discomfort immediately after thigh lift surgery, especially during the first week or two. This discomfort is largely due to expected swelling and will lessen as each day goes by. To ensure you experience minimal discomfort after surgery, Dr. Sobel thoroughly numbs the treatment area after you are asleep so there will be much less post-op pain. Dr. Sobel also prescribes pain medication to keep you comfortable so you can recover with ease. 

Dr. Sobel performs thigh lift surgery under general anesthesia, meaning you’ll be sound asleep during surgery. Because Dr. Sobel also uses local anesthesia during general anesthesia, your body won’t feel pain during the surgery.

It can; thigh lift primarily improves the shape and tone of your thighs, which may then reduce the amount and appearance of cellulite.

Dr. Sobel will fit you for compression garments, which you’ll wear day and night for several weeks to several months, depending on your procedure. Compression garments help reduce swelling and support your thighs’ new shape as your tissues heal. You’ll be able to remove them to shower, but wearing them exactly as directed will speed up your recovery and help you see the best results faster. 

A thigh lift removes excess skin and fat, while liposuction only removes fat. Your skin’s elasticity will be the determining factor in which procedure will achieve your goals. Oftentimes, simply removing fat can cause loose skin, so if you want to remove a considerable amount of excess fat or have lax skin, Dr. Sobel will recommend a thigh lift that’s tailored to you. 

A thigh lift targets the thighs specifically, while a body lift may include the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and other areas to create harmonious overall body proportion, when needed.

Absolutely, it’s common to combine a thigh lift with other procedures such as:

Dr. Sobel would be happy to recommend which procedure combination is safe for you and will bring your aesthetic vision to life.

Once you are cleared by Dr. Sobel to resume normal daily activities and exercise, the best way to maintain your thigh lift results is to keep your weight stable, follow a nutritious and sustainable diet, and stay active! One of the biggest advantages of a thigh lift is easier, more comfortable movement. Most patients find that getting more movement into their day takes much less effort and enjoy a broader range of hobbies and activities than was accessible before! 

Look for a surgeon with extensive experience in thigh lift procedures and a strong track record of successful outcomes. You should also review their patient reviews and browse their social media to get a sense of who they are as a medical professional and how they care for their patients. The best thigh lift surgeon should make you feel safe, heard, and confident that you are in expert hands and that your well-being and satisfaction are the priority.

Board-certified cosmetic surgeons like Dr. Alex Sobel specialize in body contouring procedures and undergo comprehensive training and evaluations to ensure they can achieve safe, natural-looking results. 

Schedule a consultation to learn more

If you would like to learn more about thigh surgery or to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Sobel, please call Anderson Cosmetic Surgery at 425-453-9060 or fill out the form below to find out if lower body contouring is right for you.

References »

Losco L, Roxo AC, Roxo CW, de Sire A, Bolletta A, Cuomo R, Grimaldi L, Cigna E, Roxo CDP. Helix Thigh Lift. A Novel Approach to Severe Deformities in Massive Weight Loss Patients. Journal of Investigative Surgery. 2022 Mar;35(3):620-626. doi: 10.1080/08941939.2021.1912220.

Sisti A, Cuomo R, Zerini I, Tassinari J, Brandi C, Grimaldi L, D’Aniello C, Nisi G. Complications Associated With Medial Thigh Lift: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 2015 Oct-Dec;8(4):191-7. doi: 10.4103/0974-2077.172189.

Bell D, Winters R. Thighplasty. 2023 Jul 17. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan–. 

Mocquard C, Pluvy I, Chaput B, Hoogbergen MM, Watier E, Gandolfi S, Bertheuil N. Medial Thighplasty Improves Patient’s Quality of Life After Massive Weight Loss: a Prospective Multicentric Study. Obesity Surgery. 2021 Nov;31(11):4985-4992. doi: 10.1007/s11695-021-05654-w.

Hurwitz DJ, Kruchevsky D. Interplay of Oblique Flankplasty with Vertical Medial Thighplasty. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2024 Jan;51(1):135-146. doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2023.06.013. Epub 2023 Aug 8. 

Areas served:

Medically reviewed by Dr. Alexander Sobel — Updated on May 16, 2024