Red Light Therapy: Does it really work?

Woman using a LED mask at home

Red light therapy is indeed an effective treatment that uses red light to reduce signs of aging, treat acne and other skin conditions, and improve the overall appearance of your skin. Red light has been around since the early 1900s, and after it was successfully used by NASA to grow plants in space and promote wound healing in astronauts, many other uses for red light therapy emerged. 

Today, red light therapy is an increasingly popular treatment to improve your skin without discomfort or downtime. Here, Seattle cosmetic surgeon Dr. Alexander Sobel answers some FAQs about red light therapy. 

What is red light therapy?

Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level red light to treat skin concerns, improve signs of aging, and enhance the overall appearance of your skin. Other uses for red light therapy are still being researched and show promising results for a range of physical health issues.

You may have heard red light therapy described in other terms, such as:

  • Low-level laser light therapy
  • Non-thermal LED light
  • Soft laser therapy
  • Cold laser therapy
  • Biostimulation
  • Photonic stimulation
  • Phototherapy
  • Photobiomodulation

How does red light therapy work?

Using very low levels of heat, red light therapy targets the dermis and epidermis layers of your skin, delivering laser energy to stimulate cell regeneration and promote collagen production in the outer layer of your skin. Collagen is what gives our skin its elasticity and strength; increased collagen production results in firmer, smoother-looking skin with fewer wrinkles, lines, and blemishes. 

The benefits of red light therapy

Red light therapy is safe for all skin types and tones. While red light can help enhance the effects of other face and skin treatments by increasing blood flow to the surface, it offers numerous skin health benefits when used on its own, including:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves sun damage and age spots
  • Treats and prevents acne
  • Improves skin conditions (rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis)
  • Reduces inflammation and redness
  • Improves skin texture and tone
  • Diminishes the appearance of scars and stretch marks
  • Increases hair growth
  • Accelerates wound healing

Aside from the well-documented cosmetic benefits, red light therapy is being considered by some medical professionals as a supportive pain management treatment for disorders such as Temporomandibular Dysfunction syndrome (TMD) and mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression to name a few. 

At-home red light therapy devices are increasing in popularity, and while these products won’t likely cause you any harm, they generally aren’t as effective as professional red light devices.

Does red light therapy hurt?

No, red light therapy is painless. You may feel a slight tingling or warming sensation when the light is directed at you, or the device is applied to your skin, but this should not cause any discomfort. Red light doesn’t expose your skin to UV rays and carries no risk of burning your skin.

What are the side effects of using red light therapy?

Red light therapy side effects may include:

  • Headache
  • Eye strain
  • Nausea
  • Irritability

The adverse effects of red light therapy are minimal when used as directed. Wearing proper eye protection during treatment will help limit adverse reactions.

Seek a cosmetic professional for safe, effective treatment

At-home red light therapy devices are increasing in popularity, and while these products won’t likely cause you any harm, they generally aren’t as effective as professional red light devices. Efficacy is dependent on the wavelength frequency, and professional devices that feature higher frequencies provide greater results; it’s best to see a qualified aesthetic provider for red light therapy treatments to ensure your safety and optimal results. 

How is red light therapy different from going out in the sun?

When you go out in the sun, your skin is exposed to both UVB and UVA radiation. The UVB rays penetrate the epidermis (the top layer of skin) and cause DNA damage that can lead to cancer. The UVA rays penetrate deeper into the dermis (the second layer of skin), where they can damage collagen production and cause premature aging.

In contrast, red light therapy does not use UV light and is known for its ability to improve skin health instead of damage it. 

Red light therapy does not use UV light and is known for its ability to improve skin health instead of damage it. 

How long does red light therapy take to see results?

While some patients see improvement after a single treatment, most conditions require multiple treatments to see or feel noticeable improvements and experience longer-lasting benefits. The key to seeing results with red light therapy, and most other non-invasive treatments, is consistent use. 

About Anderson Sobel Cosmetic Surgery in Bellevue, Washington

If you are looking for proven, non-invasive options to rejuvenate your appearance, we are here to help you select the most effective treatments to achieve the results you are looking for. At Anderson Sobel Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a full range of cosmetic procedures for the face, breast, and body, including injectables like Botox® and dermal filler, med spa treatments like chemical peels and laser, and cosmetic procedures for men. To schedule your consultation, call our practice at (425) 242-6845 or contact us online.

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