Juice Recipes to Aid in Your Recovery: “Lean Green Healing Machine”

For those recovering from surgery, homemade juice is a healthy and nutritious option, in addition to being easy on the stomach. Boasting large amounts of nutrients in an easily-digestible drink, it is the perfect option for restoring vitamin and mineral reserves after surgery.

Whether you’re already juicing or are hoping to start, it can feel overwhelming to figure out the perfect mixture to meet your needs. To help make things a little easier for you, the Anderson Sobel Cosmetic Surgery staff decided to compile their favorite juice recipes to promote healing after surgery. Check out our first recipe in the series below!

Lean Green Healing Machine

Using the detoxifying power of leafy greens and including vitamins A, C, and E for their ability to balance free radicals, this green juice aids in wound healing, reduces inflammation, and increases energy levels.


  • Handful of of parsleylean green healing machine sobel
  • 2 Granny Smith apples, wedged
  • 2 kale leaves
  • ½ cup broccoli florets with stems
  • A handful of spinach

Begin by juicing the parsley, then add in one of the apples. Follow with the kale, broccoli, and spinach, and finish with the second apple. Enjoy strained or unstrained!

Bonus: If you like a bit of extra tang, you can add two peeled limes for a zestier juice. Make sure you are not taking medication that reacts negatively with citrus.

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