Self Magazine Weighs in on What You Should Know Before Having Top Surgery

As you may know from one of my previous blogs, gender confirmation surgeries are on the rise. With more individuals seeking surgery to feel comfortable in their own body, it’s critical that they also have access to the information necessary to make informed decisions.

Patient education is a priority at my Bellevue cosmetic surgery practice—which is why I love seeing candid articles like this one from Self, “6 Things You Should Know Before Having Top Surgery.” Anyone who feels uncomfortable or distressed knowing their gender identity is at odds with their physical appearance can benefit from gaining more knowledge before pursuing chest masculinization or breast augmentation.

The best tip: talk to an experienced surgeon and keep the lines of communication open

The article has a lot of great information you should keep in mind as you move forward in choosing your surgeon and scheduling your surgery—and I encourage you to read it. However, perhaps the most important takeaway is to make sure you choose a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable enough with to be completely open and honest.

In addition to being frank with your surgeon about your goals, any concerns you have, and your expected outcome, you also need to be transparent about your medical history, lifestyle habits, and any previous procedures you’ve had to alter your chest. I know it can feel invasive to disclose personal information about yourself to someone who isn’t a close friend or family member, but these details are critical to your safety and the success of the surgery.

While the Self article is a worthwhile read, it’s important to speak with a doctor in person about the safest ways to accomplish your top surgery goals. I invite you to contact my office today to learn more about your gender confirmation options during a free, private consultation.

I will also be happy to answer any questions you have about my experience working with the LGBTQ community and performing gender confirmation procedures. Ultimately, my goal with every patient is that they feel safe, comfortable, and well-cared for—I look forward to hearing how I can help you enjoy life to the fullest.

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