The Growing Trend of Male Plastic Surgery: Anti-Aging, Body Contouring, & More

sobel male procedures blogHave you ever encountered a strong, confident man with a chiseled appearance and wondered how he keeps himself looking sharp? He may have gotten one of the one million cosmetic procedures that were performed on men in 2013.

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery found that the total number of cosmetic treatments for men increased by 273% over the past 18 years, indicating that more men than ever are seeking surgical and nonsurgical ways to improve their appearance.

BOTOX®: Subtle Yet Effective Anti-Aging Treatment

Men are waking up to a secret that women have known for years: BOTOX can take years off your appearance without surgery—or a dramatic and obvious change. It is especially effective against persistent forehead creases and crow’s feet that can cause you to look tired or angry, even when you’re feeling fine. It’s an excellent option for men who want to visibly improve their appearance without undergoing surgery.

Creating a Stronger Profile with Face and Chin Procedures

If you are seeking a more permanent surgical approach to fight the signs of aging, a facelift can help you look younger and sharper for years to come. Facelift surgery reduces sagging in the mid-face and smooths deep creases by lifting and tightening facial tissue. A facelift isn’t just for the mid-face: the procedure also contours the neckline below the chin, reducing jowls and eliminating the neck wattle that is often associated with aging.

Chin augmentation is another way for men to establish a stronger, more masculine look. This surgical procedure can correct a weak or recessed chin through the precise placement of a customized implant, creating a sharper profile. It’s a quick procedure that can have a large positive effect. Some men decide to combine a chin augmentation with neck liposuction to reduce excess fat and create a more defined jawline.

Sculpting the Body for a Slimmer, More Toned Appearance

Even the best exercise routine can leave some trouble spots behind. Body contouring for men can reduce excess fat in the most stubborn places, including the abdomen, chest, hips, and love handles.

Liposuction is a safe and effective surgical fat-reduction technique, and results can be seen in as little as two weeks. Full results appear gradually over several months to create subtle, yet noticeable results.

Think tummy tucks are just for women? Men who have lost weight and are struggling with excess skin are now seeking tummy tucks, as well as other male body lift procedures.

If you’re concerned about the appearance of your lower body, calf implants can redefine the look of your legs. Dr. Sobel selects silicone implants that match the anatomy of each individual patient to create chiseled, defined calves that look great at the gym and in everyday life.

Restoring a Strong, Masculine Chest

Gynecomastia, or enlarged breast tissue, is a problem for many men, with between 30-50 percent of men experiencing this condition at some point in their lives. Luckily, there are ways to improve the appearance of your chest so that you feel confident taking off your shirt or wearing a bathing suit.

Male breast reduction surgery may include liposuction in the chest area, removal of glandular breast tissue, or both. Liposuction is best for men who experience gynecomastia due to excess fatty tissue. If gynecomastia is caused by a glandular issue, Dr. Sobel can surgically excise the enlarged tissue to create a sleeker, more more masculine look.

The First Step to Looking Your Best

If you’re a man who is curious about cosmetic procedures, Dr. Sobel can help you determine which ones are right for you at a personalized consultation. He can answer all of your questions and create an individualized treatment plan to address the areas that you feel need improvement.

Contact us to learn more about our cosmetic treatments for men and how we can help you look great and feel even better.

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